Our Mission
Through the deepening of science and the new simulation technologies created from it, we make our best tocontribute to medicine.
Corporate Profile
UT-Heart Inc was founded in October, 2013 as a research corporation and essentially started its activity from 2015.UT-Heart Inc now focuses on the R&D of heart simulator and its application to practical problems.
The executive members are as follows:
Toshiaki Hisada, PhD Chairman /CEO
Seiryo Sugiura, MD, PhD President
Takumi Washio, PhD Vice President
UT-Heart R&D Center is located at:
The University of Tokyo Kashiwa Campus Station Satellite
178-4-4 Wakashiba, Kashiwa-city,
Chiba Prefecture 227-0871, Japan,
and the registered head office is located at:
3-25-8 Nozawa, Setagaya-ku
Tokyo 154-0003, Japan.
The contact email address is:
contact [at] ut-heart.com
(Replace [at] with @)
(C) 2020 UT-Heart Inc.